3579 RTTY jamming

Dennis Brady sinned at VNET.IBM.COM
Tue May 6 12:28:43 EDT 1997

For several weeks now, 3579 has been covered S-9++ with RTTY every evening.
I believe they may be other amateur folks, because on one occasion during
a QSO with K2UXE, the RTTY started, and K2UXE fired up his RTTY gear and
asked them to QSY, which they did for about 5 minutes.

We may just have a case of competition for this QRG. Since nobody owns any
particular QRG, it's a matter of who's there with the biggest signal. If
we all fired up big amps, maybe we could "muscle out" the RTTY. I don't
know how RTTY is affected by CW QRM. Anyone out there who does know, please
Does anyone have the gear to receive the RTTY and see who/what it is??
BTW, QTH is Dallas, TX. and RTTY signal strength is ALWAYS S-9!

Dennis W5FRS

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