Heath test equipment on eBay auction.....

Michael Crestohl mc at SOVER.NET
Fri Nov 7 09:13:43 EST 1997


Just thought I'd let you know that there are two nice pieces of
Heath test equipment at auction on eBay.  Check them out and
perhaps place a bid.  There are no minimums......

1756537: HEATH CM-1 Direct Reading Capacity Meter
    Current bid:       $9.99
    Auction ends on:   11/13/97, 18:10:01 PST

1756783: HEATH IT-22 Capaci-tester
    Current bid:       $13.00
    Auction ends on:   11/13/97, 18:16:28 PST



Michael Crestohl, W1RC
mc at shore.net

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