"AM" vs. DSB
Jeffrey Herman
jeffreyh at HAWAII.EDU
Mon Nov 17 18:11:57 EST 1997
On Mon, 17 Nov 1997, Joel Govostes wrote:
> I never did monitor my own signal, (and the rig operated fine,) but now I
> wonder - was the rig only generating the sidebands (both); i.e. was there
> no carrier generated in that case (true DSB)? Or would there have actually
> been a carrier, perhaps reduced, compared to a "normal" AM transmitter -
> signal.
> Perhaps the DSB was merely a feature to allow for AM compatibility on the
> air(?) -- but I never asked -- would the other stations have had to use a
> BFO to copy me?
I recall back in the mid to late 70s, we (USCG radio stations) were
running DSB on 2182 kc - this was due to the worldwide transition from
AM to SSB on the 2-3 Mc maritime voice band. DSB was compatable with both
modes. Carrier was not completely supressed - don't recall what pct of
it was actually there, though.
(2182 kc is the international MF/HF voice calling & distress freq'y;
it's the voice equivalent to 500 kc CW.)
Jeff KH2PZ / KH6
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