"AM" vs. DSB

Tony T, Hwang oolong at NETCOM.CA
Tue Nov 18 11:26:34 EST 1997

On 11/18/97 08:05:55 you wrote:
>At 06:02 AM 11/18/97 -0800, Bill Wiley, N3OJD
>> ...
>>As to the other fellow who said that very few HT-32s or HT-37s were used
>>on AM...the HT-37 is one of the best sounding BA SSB transmitters on AM.

Even on SSB, also phasing rigs sounds better than filter type.
I had HT-37/SX-111 pair but now I've got HT-44/SX-117 pair.
Tony, VE6CGX

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