Old Tubes - Help!

Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph w5hvv at AENEAS.NET
Thu Nov 20 02:01:09 EST 1997

I have recently accumulated the following tubes:

1 ea.  VT-4-C

1 ea.  T40

1 ea.  201A

1 ea.  VT-25

1 ea.  UX-281 (Radiotron)

1 ea.  CX-381 (Cunningham)

3 ea.  T55

Could someone that has the information please pass along to me
the general specifications on these?  I would greatly appreciate it!

Are any of these suitable for a Hartley oscillator?  Apparently the
811As I have are not!

Rod, N5HV
w5hvv at aeneas.net

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