Old Tubes - Help!

Ken Gordon keng at UIDAHO.EDU
Thu Nov 20 02:02:41 EST 1997

> I have recently accumulated the following tubes:
> 1 ea.  VT-4-C

This is a 211. Used in the BC-375/191. Would make a GOOD Hartley! 100 watt
plate dissipation, triode, 10 v @ 3.25 amps filament, 1250 vdc @ 150 ma
plate, -225 vdc @ 18 ma grid, 130 watts output, good to 15 mc.

> 1 ea.  T40

Very similar to the TZ-40. Triode, 40 watts plate dissipation, 1500 vdc at
150 ma plate, -140 vdc @ 28 ma grid, 158 watts output, good to 60 mc.
Would work well in a Hartley. 7.5 volts at 2.5 amps filament.

> 1 ea.  201A

Don't have this info here, but will look it up.

> 1 ea.  VT-25

Dunno this one.

> 1 ea.  UX-281 (Radiotron)

Nor this one either.

> 1 ea.  CX-381 (Cunningham)

Nor this one.

> 3 ea.  T55

Triode, 55 watts plate dissipation, 7.5 volts @ 3.0 amp fil., 1500 vdc @
150 ma plate, -170 vdc at 18 ma grid, 170 watts output, good to 60 mc.
Would make a good Hartley.

These operating values I have given are for each tube in class C
telegraphy, amp.. or oscillator service, ICAS.


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