Free Mod 15 teletype

Gary Pewitt gpewitt at EXECPC.COM
Sun Nov 23 11:31:15 EST 1997

Nice clean working Mod 15 teletype free for pickup in
Bloomington Minn.  Also Tek 435 scope in good working
condition $50.00 pickup only.
Please call Dale Johnson at 612 814 4190
This is a new number and wont work until Monday
Call Dale not me, please.  Thanks  Gary

Name: Gary Pewitt N9ZSV/KT
      6120 W. Calumet Rd. Apt 204
      Milwaukee, WI  53223
      414 355 8147 Home 414 297 4307 Work
E-mail: gpewitt at
Date: 11/23/97
Time: 08:24:09


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