Stan &/or Pat Muller pmuller at ABEINC.NET
Sun Nov 23 19:42:26 EST 1997

Hi All,
Please, if you have a schematic for the NC-300 available, Please
I'm restoring a real beauty but someone got to some of the wiring with
there well meaning but non working modifications first,  HELP
I would like to obtain any or all of the following;
NC-300-TS Speaker,  XCU-300 Plug-in Crystal Calibrator,
Any of the converters: NC-300C6  for the 6 meter band,
NC-300-C2 for the 2 meter band,  NC-300-C1 for the 2 meter band,
I also need manual and/or schematic for the NC-300
If you have any of the above, for sale or swap, please contact me, thank
Does anyone know what the differences are between the XCU-27 and the
XCU-300 crystal calibrators? Is it possible to modify the XCU-27 to make
it work in the NC-300?  (see, I really DO need the schematic)
Thanks for listening, I feel so much better now.
73's  stan muller  KB0MHQ

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