NC303 Vs. HQ-170

Barry Anderson banderso at ENI.NET
Sun Nov 23 19:29:49 EST 1997

Folks ...

     I could not sit back and listen to the beating the National receivers
were taking. I had both an NC 300 & NC 303. I also had a Hammerlund HQ-170.
My '303 was head and shoulders above the HQ-170.

    I bought the NC-303  ... trading the 300 in for it. Although I lost the
crystal filter, I still liked the way the '303 worked. I felt that there was
some improvement, although I must admit, very little.  Even though I was a
"National man" to this point ... I longed for the HQ-170. Somewhere I got
the idea it was a "superior" receiver. Well, I finally scraped together the
bucks necessary to  aquire one. BOY!! Was I ever happy I didn't need to get
rid of my '303 to get the Hammerlund. Side by side, there was no comparing
the performance of the two, in sensitivity on higher bands, stability and
audio quality the National took the day. I also liked the mechanical "feel"
of the National receiver. The way the knobs felt when they were operated.
The Hammerlund only lasted in the shack for about a year.

    I will say that between the National and the Hallicrafters SX-101A, I
found the Hallicrafters the superior receiver. Although I never owned one of
these receivers, the club I belonged to had one, along with the HT-32A
transmitter. I spent many hours using this fine receiver. This receiver, in
a word, smooooth ... You could tune a SSB signal on this receiver, drop it
out of a 2nd story window and it would be within a few 100 cycles. You could
also get a hernia setting it on the operating desk.

    This is just one persons opinion. Thought I would throw it out and muddy
the waters.

Barry Anderson K3SUI
Frederick, MD
banderso at

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