Tempo 1 and CTCSS tones?

Matthew Erickson mattall at JUNO.COM
Thu Oct 2 16:57:49 EDT 1997

Hi All!

I have an old Tempo 1 Handi-Talkie and it does not have provisions
for the CTCSS tones required to access today's 2-meter repeaters.

However, I have acquired a computer program which will create, using
the Sound card, all the CTCSS tones one could ever use.

Is there a more-or-less feasable way to couple the tones from my
computer Sound card into the HT so those CTCSS tones will provide
repeater access? Yes, it would destroy portability of the HT; but, right
now it's useless, anyway.

If this can be done, for how long are the tones transmitted? One
second, or what? I assume the tones have to be sent each time
you key the HT.

Anything else I might need to know to pull this off?

Many thanks for info.

Rev. Allen

de:   Allen, KJ6XH      (Kind-a Junky 6 X-rated Hotel)
         and Matthew
          mattall at speedlink.com   or mattall at juno.com
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