Harris Transformer

Gary Harmon gharmon at TXDIRECT.NET
Fri Oct 3 10:30:25 EDT 1997

Drug (literally) home a HEAVY Harris transformer yesterday evening while
acquiring my Warrior linear.  The markings on the label are:

Harris Corp
SNC P11541

Inputs:  240v/208v/-11v/0v/+11v
Outputs:  4500vdc/4000vdc/3500vdc/3000vdc/0v

Weighs AT LEAST 100 pounds.    Looks like it would handle at least 3 amps
but would like to know the actual amp rating.  Any comments on this
transformer?  What's it worth at a hamfest because it will probably go to
Belton tomorrow.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Gary H. Harmon, Jr., K5JWK
6302 Robin Forest
San Antonio, TX 78239-3218
(210) 657-1549
gharmon at txdirect.net

+Too Many Projects, Not Enough Time!
++Better to Have and Not Need than to Need and Not Have!
+++Pack Unto Others As You Would Have Them Pack Unto You!

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