Jim Strohm jstrohm at TEXAS.NET
Sun Oct 26 00:25:22 EDT 1997

Hi, I am looking for an HF rig for a visually impaired
ham -- he wants something that's not too complex, would like
Heath (old brand loyalty) but basically could use anything.

He can see well enough to look at a meter in bright light,
and really needs a decent receiver with transmit capabilities
more than a monstrously large transmitter with a receiver connected.

He's space constrained, so tube finals are a bonus, but a SS rig
would be considered.  COST IS AN ISSUE!!  You guys with the $1200 75S4s,
save your breath.  Others who have a rig that needs a deserving, loving
home, email to jstrohm at texas.net



Jim Strohm
jstrohm at texas.net

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