pat muller pmuller at GREENHILLS.NET
Sun Oct 26 01:35:56 EST 1997

  i'm also visually impaired, to the tune of 20-500 corrected, in other
words, legally blind. i have a ten-tec omni d.  i feel one of these
would be the answer to your friends problem. the digital read-outs are
like 3/4 in high and brightly lit.  any of the older sets (analog) are
going to be almost impossible to tune, i know, been there, done that.
using separate transmitter and receiver is going to double the problem
of tuning, as well as a transceiver will take half the space. im sure if
you posted a request using the omni-d as an example of what your looking
for, one of the guys on the list should come up with something. if you
have no luck, let me know and i will check out my resources to see what
can be done. the ARRL also has  facilities for assisting in these
situtations. i haven't had to use them so i can't help there, but the
info you need can be found on their web site. if i can be of any further
assistance, just let me know.  73's  stan   KB0MHQ

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