sellist addenda

Eric A. Jones eaj at HIWAAY.NET
Sun Oct 26 18:05:24 EST 1997

from eaj at

        A few repeats and added items to sell/trade (make offers!):

1. MAB w/ manual copy. AM xtal 2.3-4.5Mc 2/10 watt transceiver, touted as
the "Paratalkie".  Not verifiably ever used in actual WW2 service, except
by reporters!  Bakelite hip case, no p/s.  Mike unhooked but included.  No
antenna or other accessories available from me.  $25
2. LINK Model 250 UFS R.F. power amp., using 250TH (250 TL included).
Cabling cut off, but otherwise undisturbed.  Open-top rack-mount, untested,
but looks good.  $75
3. BC-1306 w/ manual copy.  No cover, grill bars, tune light or jewel;
wrong power plug.  Looks good inside, okay out.  Untested.  3.8-6.8 mc 8-15
watt AM/CW xtal or tune transceiver.  Predecessor to GRC-9, looks like it,
but smaller.  $50
4. BC-654A w/manual copy.  3.8-6.5 Mc AM/CW 15/30 watt Xcvr.  Preceded
BC-1306, much larger.  Uses PE-104 and PE-103, etc. (not included).  $195
5. RBC-2  4-27 Mc 4-band Rcvr. The 30's design, 110vac, "no-compromise"
pre-war unit. Works but needs tubes or caps, etc. (fades out when warmed
up).  Big, heavy.  $75
6. PRC-47 100watt 2-12 Mc USB tcvr w/partial depo manual.  Looks good, but
untested. ER author sells switchable L/USB kit w/ antenna adapter plate for
(was) $30.  $150
7. National NC-60 .54-31 Mc 4-band Rx.  7-pin-tube "AA5" design.  Works
within design parameters.  Needs filter caps., works and looks good
otherwise.  $50
8. Pioneer SX-800 AM/FM rcvr.  Missing 6BQ5's, dirty, untested.  $10

Trade for "green stamps" or:

1. PP-448 and/or PP-241, the 6 and 12 vdc PP modules.  Are abt 3x4x6 steel
boxes w/octal socket on one end, bail on other.  Approx. value $15 (Fair
2. TCS receiver: have TCS-12 Tx
3. military radio manuals, the odder the better

Request my previous sell/trade list for more, especially manuals.  Shipping
is from AL, 35630;  e-mail or call (205) 764-0675 CST

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