Old National receiver inquiry

Don Buska d.buska at AAIATE.COM
Wed Sep 17 04:35:12 EDT 1997

On Wed, 17 Sep 1997 07:00:59 -0500, Jan Axing wrote:

>I saw an ad for a "National 100 XA" shortvawe receiver of 1939
>vintage. I've never heard of it before. It could be an OEM
>version for the Swedish military but I'm not sure.
>All I know is that it's not a HRO and comes with an original
>elecrtrodynamic speaker.
>Do any of your folks out there have any idea what it is?
>Jan, SM5GNN


This is a standard National receiver available to hams and
shortwave listeners in the US.  It is not a government version
per say, but many military version RAO were made.  This one uses
the sliding tray coil assembly for changing band instead of the
plug-in coils used in the HRO series.  It is a very nice
receiver with excellent Push-pull audio, especially with the
matching speaker.  I have used my NC-100XA for several years now
and really love it.  They also made a ham band only version
caled the NC-101XA.  The "X" means it has a crystal filter and
the "A" means it has a direct reading frequency dial.  Thus, a
NC-100 version would use the National PW type dial (Like HRO's)
with the cross reference chart to determine the frequency and it
would have no crystal filter.

Depending on condition they can range from $50 or less for a
basket case to $500 for one in prime condition.

Mine is used often to listen to 160M AM during the winter


Don N9OO

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