WWV web site?

Roy Morgan morgan at SPECKLE.NCSL.NIST.GOV
Wed Sep 24 10:31:48 EDT 1997

At 06:20 PM 9/23/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Anyone know if there is a WWV web site?
>73, Jeff KH2PZ



 The Time and Frequency Division is an operating unit of the Physics
Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Located in Boulder,Colorado at the NIST Boulder Laboratories, the Time and
Frequency Division:

   Maintains the primary frequency standard for the United States.
   Develops and operates standards of time and frequency.
   Coordinates U. S. T&F standards with other world standards.
   Provides time and frequency services for United States clientele.
   Performs research in support of improved standards and services.

Keep em Glowing!
Roy, K1LKY since 1959

-- Roy Morgan/Building 820, Room 562/Gaithersburg  MD 20899
National Institute of Standards and Technology
301-975-3254 Fax: 301-948-6213  morgan at speckle.ncsl.nist.gov --

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