crystal calibrator

Stan &/or Pat Muller pmuller at ABEINC.NET
Tue Apr 7 21:07:03 EDT 1998

Hi Gang,
    I have a NC-300 that I have completed the restoration on, but  have
given up trying to find any converters for it. Does anyone have any to
sell or swap? I also need a XCU-300 crystal calibrator. Now my question;
I do have a XCU-27 national xtal calibrator. Does any one know what set
this was for? Can it be used in the NC-300? Does any one have a
schematic for the XCU-27, or know the pin out? Does anyone need a XCU-27
and have a XCU-300 to swap?
   Thanks for any help you can give, 73  Stan  KB0MHQ

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