600/8 Ohm Transformer Availability

Dennis Gibbs dgibbs at RATIONAL.COM
Fri Apr 17 22:25:21 EDT 1998

Greetings all,

> A small victory...
> Fred Hammond, VE3HC called me this morning with news about our
> transformers.  He has made us a special, high quality 600 to 8 or 4
> ohm audio transformer.
> .
> .
> .
>  They have made up a quantity of these transformers and are shipping
>  them to Antique Radio Supply in Tempe Arizona where they should be
>  available to us in the next couple of weeks.
>     All orders should go to Antique Radio Supply: (602) 820-5411
>  I wish the knobs had turned out this way.
>  Chuck Rippel, WA4HHG

I have been in Phoenix this week for a business trip.  Today I stopped by Antique Electronics Supply
in nearby Tempe.  The transformers are in!  They are now available.  I picked up some...They are really
nice.  I encourage anyone with a need for these to place their order.

Just another happy AES customer....

Dennis Gibbs
dgibbs at rational.com

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