Tube Tester Advice
Dexter Francis
Mon Apr 20 17:29:28 EDT 1998
Tom -
I have three testers here, a Hickock 752, a TV-7/U and a Mercury (yes,
like the ones you used in the drugstore).
Each serves a useful purpose. The Hickock shows the acutal dynamic
transconductance readings at 60 hz or an
externally driven frequency (provided by a sine wave generator). The
TV-7/U tests tubes the Hickock can't. It
doesn't have a nmice big meter and is harder to read, but it covers all
the military types. The Mercury gives good
readings of the emission level of all the TV Sweep tubes. Depending on
how crestive you are it would be possible
to make a Novar/Duodecar/Compactron adapter for any of the older
testers, but you'd have to work up a new set
of settings for it.
I've seen testers from $25 to $350 at fests and on the Web. I wouldn't
pay more than $125 to $150 for one unless I was testing lots of tubes.
The Heathkits were O.K. but you need a Sencore or Hickock to get a true
professional grade. (IMHO)
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