Racal help please??

Brian Carling bry at MNSINC.COM
Wed Apr 22 21:25:00 EDT 1998

Please do NOT HIT REPLY!!!!

Can anyone help this guy with his Racal questions?

I haven't a clue about this!
See KT4CK's e-mail address at the end please!

Begin forwarded message:
= = =
From:             "DUNK'S PLACE" <sdunkf at knightwave.com>
To:               "'bry at mnsinc.com'" <bry at mnsinc.com>
Date sent:        Wed, 22 Apr 1998 14:45:28 -0500

 My name is Jim, and I wondered if you could help me by putting
 me in touch
with someone who knows how to deal with my problem.  I have a
Racal Sincal 30x that I got from a friend.  I want to hook a
regular Icom type hand set to it.  I am totally confused by all
of the voltage and such that seem to make the headset I got with
it work.  I have some knowledge about radios but not enough to
figure this out.  No one I know can seem to figure it out either
as there are several around here.  I would certainly appreciate
your help with this as you seem to have delt with a few Racals
in your day.
 From what I got from you page I guess you are from England but
 now live in
the US.  I am in the army, but they don't teach how to figure
these kinds of technical troubles out.  Would appreciate it if
you could give me a few email addresses on where I could get
info on this stuff because but nobody has any Idea how to start
on this.


sdunkf at knightwave.com
= = =

Thanks all - Bry, AF4K

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