32V3 Schematic

Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph w5hvv at AENEAS.NET
Thu Apr 23 01:52:55 EDT 1998

Hi!  I 've just received 3 brand new JAN 4D32 tubes made by Raytheon in
unopened boxes for $18 each from Surplus Sales of Nebraska.  I am very
pleased.  These are great little tubes with 50 watts of plate dissipation
and 750 volts will net 125 watts output!  Now, all I need to complete
my plans for my Hybrid AM Rig (driven by the FT-1000MP at 10 watts and
modulated by a pair of 8298s driving a UTC CVM-3 transformer, is the
schematic from the famous Collins 32V3!!!

It has been too many years since I owned a 32V3 and I can't remember the
circuitry well enough to try to build a final that would be bulletproof
like the 32V3's is!

Is there anyone out there that has access to a skizmat for the 32V3 that
would be willing copy it and send it to me?  A parts list would be
helpful as well, if the schematic doesn't have all the parts/components
identified as to size, uufd, watts, etc.  Anyone help me out?  Please?

Rod, N5HV
w5hvv at aeneas.net

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