Tube Tester Advice

Brian Carling bry at MNSINC.COM
Thu Apr 23 21:22:11 EDT 1998

Dexter, I have seen MANY tube testers at hamfests in the $5 to $30
range. In fact I paid $25 for one of mine and $5 for the other and
they will test just about anything!

Again it is the wealthy  "golden earred audiophile" clowns who drive
the prices sky-high!

On 20 Apr 98 at 14:29, Dexter wrote:

> Tom -
> I have three testers here, a Hickock 752, a TV-7/U and a Mercury
> (yes, like the ones you used in the drugstore). Each serves a useful
> purpose.  The Hickock shows the acutal dynamic transconductance
> readings at 60 hz or an externally driven frequency (provided by a
> sine wave generator).  The TV-7/U tests tubes the Hickock can't. It
> doesn't have a nmice big meter and is harder to read, but it covers
> all the military types.  The Mercury gives good readings of the
> emission level of all the TV Sweep tubes.  Depending on how crestive
> you are it would be possible to make a Novar/Duodecar/Compactron
> adapter for any of the older testers, but you'd have to work up a
> new set of settings for it.
> I've seen testers from $25 to $350 at fests and on the Web.  I
> wouldn't pay more than $125 to $150 for one unless I was testing
> lots of tubes. The Heathkits were O.K. but you need a Sencore or
> Hickock to get a true professional grade. (IMHO)
> -df
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