S-38D Surprise

Dave Hollander davidh at GETNET.COM
Tue Aug 4 00:53:51 EDT 1998

I attended the Fort Tuthill Hamfest in Flagstaff, AZ last weekend and
came home with a bunch of "treasures", one being an S-38D (or so I

Tonight, I put it on the bench and decided to fire it up as the unit was
pretty clean inside, just a lot of dust. Radio came to life and with
about 6 feet of wire inside my shop was pulling in all kinds of signals
on the 6 and 9.5 mHz short wave bands. Went to flip the BFO switch to see
if it worked and to my complete surprise their wasn't any! In fact their
were no slide switches at all on the front panel - only one on the back
to go from speaker to headphones. Looking again at the panel I discovered
that their was no S38D marking either and it was not worn off. Went and
looked at the Hallicrafters and Osterman books and could not fins them
either, looked in the Moore book and nothing there. Went back and looked
at the Dachis book again and finally in a chapter near the back I found
it with a picture. The receiver is a part of the #R# Series and the
actual model is an 5R-100, wrinkle black paint with a chrome dial bezel.
Electrically it's an S-38D without the BFO and the extra slide switches.

I assume it is somewhat rare but like an S38, not particularly valuable.
It will look nice next to my other Hallicrafters oddities, an ivory clock
radio, the ATCL-7 Atom and my SR-75 Transceiver.

Anybody ever seen one of these?

Dave N7RK


Dave  N7RK -  Webmaster CADXA
Phoenix, Arizona         *DXCC Honor Roll*    *WAZ#23 - 75 Meter SSB*

                 ex-N7RK/ZB2, VK2ERK, ZM0AJN, WB6NRK, WN6IWX

Boatanchor Collector Extraordinaire preferring Hallicrafters, National
and what ever else looks interesting!

E-Mail: davidh at getnet.com
My Home Page:  http://www.getnet.com/~davidh

Visit the Central Arizona DX Association Home page - http://cadxa.org

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