James Millen Page - Webpage Status Update

Don Buska d.buska at AAIATE.COM
Wed Aug 5 09:34:14 EDT 1998

Back in March I started putting together the James Millen Page website to
bring articles, equipment pictures, schematics and other material
relating to the James Millen Company to the BA masses.  Progress has been
very good and I have received a great deal of assistance from my fellow
BA enthusiasts (see Welcome Information for credits).  If you haven't
checked it out lately, please do so.

Although, I have collected a great many pictures and schematics, I am
still lacking many which I thought would be quite common.  Such items as
the 90800/801 transmtters, 90881 amplifier, and later transmatches are
still missing.  So, I make this general call for additional assistance.
If you own any Millen equipment that is not yet displayed and would like
to submit pictures please contact me.  I am also looking for magazine
articles written by Mr. Millen from the 20's and 30's, especially from
early radio weekly type papers.  No QST articles, as those are currently
available via CDROM release.

My intention is to create a site which will provide valuable information
to the new Millen collector or for those just interested in the history
of the Millen Company.

Thanks again to all those who have provided material and assistance with
the Millen Page es 73

Don N9OO


**                                                                **
**  Don Buska N9OO (EN62bo)            Mgr - Parts & Repair Ctr   **
**  4805 64th Ave. Kenosha, WI 53144   Advantest America Inc.     **
**  (414)654-0072                      (847)821-3393              **
**  d.buska at aaiate.com             fax (847)634-2872              **
**                                                                **
**           ----------------  Wants ------------------           **
**   ARRL-LM |  James Millen Equipment                |   CSVHFS  **
**   AWA     |  Transmitters by Thordarson, Stancor,  |   NTMS    **
**   AMI     |  UTC and other transformer companies.  |           **
**   CCA     |  Receiver: National NC-101XA w/speaker |           **
**   QCWA    |  Magazines: 73 Mag's from 1960/61      |           **
**                                                                **
**                  http://www.qsl.net/n9oo                       **
** Home of the Electric Radio Magazine Index & James Millen Page  **

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