RBL ramblings

Nolan Lee nlee at COMMUNIQUE.NET
Sun Aug 9 01:19:19 EDT 1998

At 09:17 PM 8/8/98 PDT, you wrote:

>The coil sets are switched and are in 6 large non magnetic stainless steel
>cans.  The cans unscrew to allow access to the coils.  Big ones.

I might be mistaken, but I think that those six big coil cans are nickel
plated copper. The chassis is copper plated and painted and the case is
copper plated and painted. Copper is good. :-)

>It's a true regen with 2 rf stages followed by a regenerative detector and
two af stages. There is another tube for ANL and a rectifier for 7 tubes
total.  This is by far the most sophisticated regen I have ever seen.  Are
there others even better?

I suspect that it was about the last regen receiver adopted by the Navy.

>Any information on other high quality regens would be very
>welcome.  Thanks  Gary

I'd be interested also.


Please appoint Jack Kevorkian as White House physician and gynecologist...

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