RBL ramblings

Al Parker anchor at COASTALNET.COM
Sun Aug 9 16:23:00 EDT 1998

orig post fm Gary Pewitt N9ZSV/KT:
Hi guys,
I have an RBL-3, made by Wells Gardner.  Larry Ware supplied a manual for
it, and dial plastic.  Nolan Lee helped with info.  Got it about a month
ago, have been into it the last week or 2.  Interstage coupling caps, stg
2-3 & 3-4 (mica) were very leaky, making the grid highly positive, and
pulling the signal way down (to zero in one).  One carbon resistor at the
ANL had doubled in value, 490k vs 250k.  With that fixed, it has good
sensitivity & selectivity.  Have been "logging" beacons within 100 miles,
or so, easily, even with summer condx.

>The coil sets are switched and are in 6 large non magnetic stainless steel
cans.  The cans unscrew to allow access
>to the coils.  Big ones.
        My cans appear to be aluminum, not a cheap commodity back then.

>I'd sure like to have an equal quality or better rig that covered the
shortwave bands at least up to 20 mc. or so.
        Yes, quality is good, and performance surprizingly good.

>I noticed that it was delivered in 1942 and was built for 115v
>not 110v as you might have expected.
        My contract date to the Navy was 1/11/43, there is "M.F.P. May 1945"
stamped inside.

>Any information on other high quality regens would be very
>welcome.  Thanks  Gary
        To me, too.

Al, W8UT
New Bern, NC
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