Oldies but goodies (Navy rx) avail.

Chuck K3FT k3ft at EROLS.COM
Sun Aug 9 23:43:41 EDT 1998

Greetings to the aficianados of the glowing boxes..

Following items from an SK estate. Offers? etc. please reply direct. I will forward to
person handling estate.


Chuck k3ft
k3ft at erols.com

Receiver, BC348Q,  US ARMY signal corps, military general coverage,  200 Khz - 18Mhz,
am/cw/ssb,  operational

Receiver, BC348R, US ARMY signal corps, military general coverage,  cond unk

Receiver, General coverage HF, Sp-600 JX-21, Hammarlund, w/case, condition good,
w/navy spkr

Receiver, General coverage HF, SP-600 JX6, Hammarlund, no case

Receiver, General Coverage HF, SP-600 JX-1, Hammarlund, cond fair, unknown op

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