4 Sale hallicrafter "GOODIES"

Leo KJ6HI radioleo at EARTHLINK.NET
Wed Aug 12 02:55:14 EDT 1998

I have some Hallicrafter stuff for sale:

1. I have 3 Hallicrafter SX-28'S 2 with cases fair condition $75.00 @ each.
one without a case $50.00 pick up, not tested

2. Hallicrafter Sky Champion S-20 rx.  $45.00 not tested

3. Hallicrafter R-42 reproducer  external speaker  vintage 1946-48

4. Hallicrafter PM-23 external speaker for a SX-28 vintage 1939-44

5. Hallicrafter R-46B shell only no speaker $45.00

6. Hallicrafter HA-1 Keyer $40.00

Leo Ph/Fax (310) 670-6969...thank you......

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