FS: BC-384-N Receiver

Brian Carling bry at MNSINC.COM
Sun Aug 16 19:22:45 EDT 1998

For sale:

BC-348N Signal Corps WWII receiver made by Wells Gardner & Co.
Ser # 47.OH.3.57

Receives ranges from 200 kc. to 18 Mc. in 6 bands.

All complete, with added internal 110V AC power supply, and speaker
output transformer. Also has BFO, and 2nd conversion i.f. stages for
136 kHz from MN26C. Lights up when turned on, but needs cleaning up
and the B+ circuit needs repair. Front end is in great shape,
mechanically and electrically. Some repairs needed, but overall not
in bad shape, and this is an easy receiver to work on. Includes case,

Best offer over $50.00 plus shipping.

Brian Carling, AF4K

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