FWD: R-100/URR question

Tom Norris badger at TELALINK.NET
Mon Aug 17 18:51:04 EDT 1998

Please reply to Rogerlts at aol.com, and not me, this is just a request
he sent me asking where to look, so I am forwarding it here at where
all the real experts are. :-)



>From: Rogerlts at aol.com
>A friend recently gave me one of these. He bought a Zenith Transoceanic with
>his mustering-out pay in 1945, but when the R-100 came on the surplus market
>he grabbed one and shoved the Zenith into the attic. Must be quite a
>performer. Looks like it has one more IF stage than the Zenith, BTW.
>I notice this schematic is not yet ready for download. Can you help me find
>it, and, if possible, the alignment procedure as well? Better yet would be
>manual containing  these goodies, and more.
>I will, of course, be happy to pay reasonable repro costs and shipping.
>Thanks for all the hard work you've been putting-in to make this such a
>downright dandy site. Much appreciated.
>73, Roger N2NHY, rogerlts at aol.com

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