Collins stuff for sale a TRW Swapmeet

Leo KJ6HI radioleo at EARTHLINK.NET
Tue Aug 25 02:38:08 EDT 1998

These are the Collins items I will have at TRW Swapmeet This Saturday 08/29/98
My spot is A24:

            1. Collins 75A-3 Good physical condition. Front panel nice
               untested $239.00
            2. Collins 8R-1 Crystal calibrator for a 75A-3  $125.00
            3. Collins 270G-2 external speaker $249.00
            4. Collins 30L-1 (round) emblem works great $600.00
            5. Collins 30L-1 (winged) emblem works, and looks great $500.00
            6. Collins 32S-1 (winged) no case, no main tuning knob, no
               some part taken out of the bottom chassis. Front panel looks
               all the other knobs are there $125.00
            7. Collins 75S-1 (winged) switch installed on the front panel.
               other mod's done, no case, no crystals, no main tuning knob

See you there 73, Leo KJ6HI Ph/Fax (310) 670-6969....Thank You......

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