Whole Lotta Stuff 4 Sale at TRW Swapmeet

Leo KJ6HI radioleo at EARTHLINK.NET
Tue Aug 25 03:09:26 EDT 1998

These are the items I will have at TRW Swapmeet This Saturday 08/29/98
My spot is A24:

            1. Collins 75A-3 Good physical condition. Front panel nice
               untested $239.00
            2. Collins 8R-1 Crystal calibrator for a 75A-3  $125.00
            3. Collins 270G-2 external speaker $249.00
            4. Collins 30L-1 (round) emblem works great $600.00
            5. Collins 30L-1 (winged) emblem works, and looks great $500.00
            6. Collins 32S-1 (winged) no case, no main tuning knob, no
               some part taken out of the bottom chassis. Front panel looks
               all the other knobs are there $125.00
            7. Collins 75S-1 (winged) switch installed on the front panel.
               other mod's done, no case, no crystals, no main tuning
            8. Hallicrafter SX-28 no case fair condition untested $45.00
            9. Hallicrafter PM-23 external speaker for a SX-28 RX $110.00
           10. Hallicrafter R-46B shell no speaker $45.00
           11. Hallicrafter S-38 RX looks great untested $40.00
           12. Hallicrafter R-42 external speaker good condition $90.00
           13. National SW-3 RX with some type of power supply untested $75.00
           14. 2---National SW-3 RX no power supply untested $50.00
           15. National NC-183 RX looks great untested $80.00
           16. National HRO RX no case, untested fair condition $49.00
           17. National HRO Main Tuning Knobs (3) $30.00 each
           18. Hammarlund external speaker looks nice $125.00
           19. Heathkit Scope SB-610 $35.00
           20. Heathkit IM2420 digital frequency counter  $50.00
           21. Heathkit HD-1410 electronic keyer $35.00
           22. Icom 735 10-160 meter transceiver with FL-32A CW filter
               matching power supply PS-55, comes with original manual,mic
               and power cord they look, and work great $600.00
           23. Tempo RBF-1 200/2000 watt-- wattmeter $35.00
           24. Drake TVI filter $20.00
           25. B & W TVI filter $15.00
           26. Johnson Adventurer $45.00 untested
           27. AEA PK-88 untested $40.00
           28. AEA CP-1 $10.00 untested
           29. Signal One CX-7A One board taken out of the bottom, otherwise
               complete untested $300.00
           30. A whole bunch of slide in coils for EARLY HRO RECEIVERS
$30.00 @
           31. Bencher paddle nice $50.00

Come down and see me Leo KJ6HI Ph/Fax (310) 670-6969

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