4mf 600v caps needed

Nolan Lee nlee at GS.VERIO.NET
Sat Dec 26 23:46:58 EST 1998

I'm looking for three oil filled 4mf 600 volt paper capacitors to
replace the ones in my old WWII RBL-5 receiver. Mine test fine at
rated voltage but are physically leaking oil. Messy, messy...  ;-(

These are "nut mount" capacitors with a 3/4" threaded base that
extends thru the chassis. The dimensions of the main body of the
capacitor are 1 1/2" in diameter and is  4 7/16" tall. Smaller
physical size caps are OK, but I don't think that anything that's
physically larger would fit.  ;-(

The ones that are it came with are CD's. Part numbers of common
brands that would be an exact replacement are:

Cornell-Dubilier CD-481054
Sprague P8213
Aerovox 610N2-4

An exact replacement would be nice, but my main concern is the
values and the maximum dimensions. Re stuffing isn't an option on
these due to the method of construction. Tough to do anything with
aluminum and copper. ;-(

Holler if you have something close and thanks in advance,

So many cults, so few comets...

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