4mf 600v caps needed

Nigel Holmes 03 9626 1914 fax 03 9626 1917 HOLMES.NIGEL at A2.ABC.NET.AU
Wed Dec 30 06:14:00 EST 1998

        G'day Nolan

        Be careful with those leaking capacitors. If you KNOW it's a
        mineral oil that's OK, but if it's polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)
        you've got potential health risk. Skin contact with PCB can
        trigger a very nasty & permanent skin condition called chloracne
        which you really don't want...  PCB is almost indestructible in
        the natural environment. It requires ultra high temperature
        incineration to break it down to safe components. Don't let kids
        get hold of those caps.

        cheers Nigel Holmes VK3ZNQ

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