Crystal manufacturers
E. V. Sandy Blaize
Wed Dec 30 12:40:45 EST 1998
Going thru old crystals made me think: "Where did all the crystal
makers go?" Looking at all the manufacturers' names makes one wonder
how many of the FT-243 crystals were actually produced!
Here is my list (so far):
Monowatt Electric Corp.
Carlisle Crystal Corp.
M.P. Co.
Harvey Radio, Cambridge, Mass.
Quartz Products of New York
Tedford Labs.
Wonder Lite Co., W. Orange, NJ
Daughetee Mfg. Co.
Sherold, Kansas City, MO
Bliley Mfg. Co., Erie, PA.
Beaumont Electronic, Chicago, Ill.
Telicon Corp., New York
H.I., Inc.
Cecor, Kansas City, Mo.
B.E.S. Co.
Ross Mfg.
Electronic Products, Oakland, CA
Standard Piezo
Goodall Elect. Mfg. Co.
Scientific Radio Co.
Petersen Radio Co.
S.C. Co.
Monitor Co., Pasadena, Ca.
Crystal Products, Kansas City, Mo.
Westline Elec. Co., Los Angeles, CA
As you can see, some familiar names, and not so familiar names! Some
of the "initials" companies....wonder who they were? Where did all the
manufacturing equipment go? How many quartz blanks and empty
FT-243 holders were destroyed or thrown away? Boggles my mind.
Sandy W5TVW
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