FS: 51J-3/ R-388 Parts

Ian Webb ian_webb at PACBELL.NET
Thu Dec 31 02:47:37 EST 1998

51J-3/ R-388 crystal filter (may also be for 51J, 51J-2 but I have no
Item Y-112, Filter crystal, CRYSTAL: type CR-7, 500 kc, 29 5175 003
(R388 2X225-500)
Item T-102, Crystal filter output, FILTER: bandpass, frequency range 490
to 510 kc, 278 0092 00 (R388 2Z4376-110)

Removed years ago from my 51J-3/R-388 when I converted to mechanical
filter.  Matching crystal still taped to transformer can with masking
tape.  All looks in very good shape, 470k resistor still between pins,
10k resistor and capacitor still on one pin.  Transformer case not bent
or deformed except a small amount of deformation at nuts at top which is
normal for those transformers.  Pencil notation on can: crystal filter
and I would think it'd scrub off easily.

$35 postpaid, insured US

100 kc calibrator crystal
Item Y-111, Calibration crystal, CRYSTAL: special 100 kc unit, 291 5954
00 (R388 2X226-100)

Still shiny and bright.  In keeping with the discussion on crystal
manufacturers, the top is engraved with JK in a circle and has 100 KC
H-9 also engraved on it.

$25 postpaid, insured US

Both together, $55 postpaid, insured US

I have other 51J-3/R-388 parts === both electrical and mechanical
including some gear/rack and chassis parts, crystals, PTO (looks a bit
rough but not damaged), 51J-3/R-388 bezel with glass, (complete and not
scratched or dinged but has remnants of antifungal coating on it and
would need to be renovated - polished or painted - looks very dry and
drab) and lots more.  Let me know what you are looking for.

Ian, K6SDE
San Jose, CA area

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