Hallicrafters SR-150 Knobs Needed

David M. Nance dmnance at ROANOKE.INFI.NET
Wed Feb 11 01:17:09 EST 1998

I need two knobs for my recently acquired Hallicrafters SR-150
transceiver.  They are also used on the SR-160, HT-44 and SX-117
(possibly others):

1.  one of the lever type control knobs that goes behind the round ones.

2.  either a stainless steel insert for the small round knobs or a
complete knob.

Also, need a manual (or copy) for the SR-150.  Just thought I'd check
with the list members before going the dealer route.

I would also appreciate any comments from members who are familiar with
this rig or the HT-44/SX-117 combo.  I just picked up the SR-150 to go
with my HT-44/SX-117.  I don't know why but I just like the styling of
these mid 60's Hallicrafters.  I ultimately would like to get the HT-45
Loudenboomer to go with it but that's further down on the list.


Dave - WB4SSE
Roanoke, VA
dmnance at roanoke.infi.net

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