Wanted: R388/51J3/4 parts

J. Douglas Hensley, W5JV w5jv at JUNO.COM
Fri Feb 13 18:06:08 EST 1998

Looking for these R388/A 51J3/4 parts:

pwr xmfr
C117 (plug-in octal cap)
hold down strap, post, and wingnut which goes between 5V4 and the plugin
octal cap
Khz Dial with bushing (okay if scratched or repairable)
cw or am filter
Y-111 100 kc xtal, post, holddown strap, wingnut
CR18/U--9 mhz xtal-- for cr6 holder
Bottom crystal strap

...or a whole junker.

73,  Doug
w5jv @ juno.com

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