One week to Green Key Night (& Day)

Jim Haynes haynes at CATS.UCSC.EDU
Fri Feb 13 21:21:18 EST 1998

So you want to re-live those old days when teleprinters were mechanical and
every character that went out what typed by somebody on a real keyboard?
Join us on Feb 20 for Green Key Night (& Day) to commemorate the opening
of the HF bands to FSK RTTY, and to remember the pioneers.  It's not a contest,
no logs to send in, no scores to keep, and no rules.  Just use a mechanical
teleprinter if you can, use 850 shift now and then if you can, use vacuum tube
gear if you can, but in any case get on the air and have fun and wallow in
nostalgia.  (I confess I'll be using a computer this year, as my old-gear
station is all apart.)

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