YOP: HP4204 Precision Signal Generator, 10 hz - 1 mhz

J.Douglas Hensley w5jv at JUNO.COM
Sat Feb 14 22:33:02 EST 1998

Greetings to all,

Using the acronymn YOP here: Your Opinion Please ;>).

I'm about to acquire an HP606A signal generator and in this trade have
access to an HP4204x precision signal generator.  5.25" tall, rack mount,
pretty unit.  But is it pretty useless or pretty useful?  The HP
escrucheon (sp?) is labeled 10 hz to 1 Mhz.  Has anyone any experience
with employing this type of unit and if so have you any recommendations
pro or con on its usefulness>?

73, Doug W5JV

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