For Sale: Vintage Eico Model 377 and model 315 Signal Generators

J.Douglas Hensley w5jv at JUNO.COM
Tue Feb 17 00:23:38 EST 1998

For Sale:  Vintage Eico Test Equipment (1950's era)

(1)  Model 377 Sine Wave/Square Wave generator.  20 hz to 200 khz in 4
bands.  Classic waveform generator of the 50's in traditional black knob
on silver panel styling. Approx. 8 " deep, 7 " tall, 11" wide; approx.
20+ lbs.  From the manual:  Sine Wave range: 20 hz  - 200 khz.  Square
wave range 60 hz - 30 khz (5% tilt at 60 hz, 5% rounding at 30 khz.
Calibration accuracy: +/- 3% or 1 hz, whichever is greater. Frequency
response: =/- 1.5 db, 60 hz - 150 khz.  With manual copy.  Produced well
into the 60's as I understand it.   Good condition; should clean up to
excellent.  From estate.  $45 plus shipping from 70806.

(2)  Model 315 Signal Generator.  Combined RF, AF, and modulator in
traditional Eico black & red engravings on silver.  Fairly rare unit now
with unusual large half round glassed pointer dial with smaller centered
vernier.  Case is approx. 11" wide by 13" tall by 4" deep.  Dual black
scale (for RF I believe) and red (for AF I believe).  AF Frequency output
would be 200 hz to 50 khz.  RF Frequency output would be approx 75 khz to
150 Mhz.  Not quite art deco, but certainly de ja vu radio era.  They
don't get any more displayable and still useable than this.  Original
condx., working, not calibrated.  Late 40's, early 50's piece.  Great
bench item.  Fair to good condition; should clean up nicely.  From
estate.  $75 plus shipping from 70806.

If you are building a classic tube ham station and are considering a
period test bench to go along with it, here are two very nice pieces.
Still useable, still fun to work with.  First come, first served but will
keep a list until shipped.

73,  Doug W5JV
w5jv @

P.S. The Eico Model 460 Oscilloscope has been sold.

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