Bob Miller bmiller at CALWEB.COM
Wed Feb 18 20:27:55 EST 1998

Richard Carroll wrote:

>   Sean, be very careful ...the S38 series receivers all had AC-DC power
> supplies with no isolating transformer and one side of the power cord is
> always HOT to the 120vac line.  When the plug is inserted in one way, the hot
> sideof the power line  is connected directly to the metal chassis and the
> case, creating a definite shock, or even electrocution hazard if one happens
> to sumultaneously touch ground, or any grounded metal object. Most of those
> vintage tabletop radios have no polarity protection, and can be plugged in
> either way. Later 2 wire cords had a larger pin on the ground side of the
> power cord. There have been many cases of electrocution caused by this
> long-abandoned power supply system.

LOOK Again, Folks.

    Most if not all modern solid state color televisions are direct line operated
without any isolation transformer of any kind.  If not for complete plastic cases
and no metal protrusions, these modern household machines would be just as
dangerous as the lil S38 and all of its All American 4/5 cousins.
    My first hint on this TV junk came when I hooked up a nice modern 27 inch
color TV to my Stereo gear and could not get rid of the  hum when the Cable
system was connected.  an RF isolation transformer (a pair of back to back 75/300
ohm baluns corrected the hum (ground loop) but I opened up the TV to find that
the only thing between the TV's power supply and the line was a bifilar wound
choke on a lousy hunk of ferrite.  So much for retro-engineering.  Would be
interested to see how many modern TVs have a power transformer anymore.  Probably
very few sans some of the projection stuff.
        Bob, KE6F

> 73, Dick W0EX
> Sean Pratt wrote:
> > Just want to say, I'm new to the BA list, AND!  I'm looking for the Volume
> > and Bandswitch knob for a Halicrafters S-38C.
> >
> > Also, on this radio I notice if you touch the volume pot and the chasis at
> > the same time you get a shock...  Hmmmm..    Can someone tell me where to
> > look for this problem?
> >
> > Sean
> >
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