
Al Parker awparker at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Wed Feb 18 20:32:57 EST 1998

Hi Steve et al,
        I can't comment on the S-85 except it's a gen. cov. rcvr with single
conversion, but will on the HT-32.
I have just completed the "refurbishment" of an HT-32 mk1, and have an
HT-32 B to follow.  I got the mk1 on the air this last weekend after going
thru the whole thing electrically & mechanically.  Many things to "tweak"
for alignment, but very little was out much.  It was really a pleasure to
go thru it, and an education, as it was my first.  Have had very good
reports on 15m SB & 40m SB.  Local net on 10 SB tonite, & will be on CW
tonite, too.  Runs 100w out on those, drops to about 60 on 10.  A very
"solid" rig, one of the heaviest xmtrs of the period (or since).  It
matches up with the SX-101, which I also have (mk3), size, looks, weight,
and quality-wise.  I'm presently using the pair regularly.  Many
Hallicrafters (and most others) of this vintage can have power transformer
problems, as did this pair.  Both are very solid frequency wise, almost no
drift after only a minute or so from power-on.  This pair was the "hot
setup" when they came out in the late '50s, shortly after my novice days.
Don't know why it took me so long to get one.
If you're not hung-up on transceivers or "co-ordinated" separates, these
are high boatanchor quality, and can hold with many of the current
riceboxes, except without all the bells & whistles.
  Another 2 cents worth, you get what you pay for.
73 & good hunting if your looking for some.
Al,  W8UT
Dublin, CA
> From: Steve Lords /WA7ISL
> Subject: hallicrafter
> Date: Wednesday, February 18, 1998 4:20 PM
> i was wondering was the s-85 and ht-32
> good radios? never used this line of equipment
> any comments???
> Steve
> wa7isl :)

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