SP600 cabinets--new!!

Bob Perry rperry at STNY.LRUN.COM
Tue Feb 24 11:47:29 EST 1998

Will this cabinet take a R-390A ?????  Thanks, Bob

Smoke Signals
Robert W. Perry
rperry at stny.lrun.com
131 E High St
Painted Post, NY
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Fowle <hammarlund at ACD.NET>
Date: Friday, February 20, 1998 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: SP600 cabinets--new!!

>The correct number is: DCR-18100 dark grey texture
>At 06:02 AM 2/20/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>I spoke with Tony Bozza at Premier Metal Products this a.m.
>>They made the original factory cabs for the SP600 and can still make
>>them but need 25 orders for a run.
>>With my order, they have 6 so far (need 19 more orders).
>>If you'd like one--call Tony at 718-993-9200 and tell him you'd like to
>>order one (or more!)--part # is DCR-100, the best part--the price is
>>$104. A steal compared to Bud products.
>>73, Chris KA8WFC
>>p.s. Premier has great prices and chassis and rack cabs, too--and no, I
>>don't work for them!! :)
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>Best Regards Robert Fowle KC8DBC
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>ICQ #649056
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