SP-600 cabinets
Bob Perry
rperry at STNY.LRUN.COM
Wed Feb 25 14:06:11 EST 1998
Just talked to Premier. They have two models: DCR-100 is 15.75 inches
deep,and DCR-18100 is 18 inches deep. They have 5 people signed up for the
DCR-100 and none for the DCR18100. They need orders for 25 units of one
size to make a run.
I, for one need the 18 incher and wonder if the 5 already signed up with
Premier are sure they want the 15 incher?? They seem very willing to do
business (they kept asking me what my business was) but it seems to me we
need to resove this size confusion. What do you think??? Bob
Smoke Signals
Robert W. Perry
rperry at stny.lrun.com
131 E High St
Painted Post, NY
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Fowle <hammarlund at ACD.NET>
Date: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 12:16 PM
Subject: SP-600 cabinets (by request)
>Hi all;
>here is the info I have from premier metal products.
>the cabinet used by hammarlund was:
>DCR-18100 Dark Grey Texure, was/is 18 inches deep....
>and yes, it will fit R-390/A's and any others that require 18 inches of
>Best Regards Robert Fowle KC8DBC
>1215 Winifred..Jackson, Mich. 49202-1946
>ICQ #649056
>Email address: hammarlund at acd.net
>or hammarlund at qsl.net
>WebPage: http://www.qsl.net/hammarlund
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