SP-600 cabinets

Bob Perry rperry at STNY.LRUN.COM
Wed Feb 25 14:11:42 EST 1998

Smoke Signals
Robert W. Perry
rperry at stny.lrun.com
131 E High St
Painted Post, NY

>Just talked to Premier. They have two models: DCR-100 is 15.75 inches
>deep,and DCR-18100 is 18 inches deep.  They have 5 people signed up for the
>DCR-100 and none for the DCR18100.  They need orders for 25 units of one
>size to make a run.
>  I, for one need the 18 incher and wonder if the 5 already signed up with
>Premier are sure they want the 15 incher??  They seem very willing to do
>business (they kept asking me what my business was) but it seems to me we
>need to resove this size confusion.  What do you think???   Bob
>Smoke Signals
>Robert W. Perry
>rperry at stny.lrun.com
>131 E High St
>Painted Post, NY
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Robert Fowle <hammarlund at ACD.NET>
>Date: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 12:16 PM
>Subject: SP-600 cabinets (by request)
>>Hi all;
>>here is the info I have from premier metal products.
>>the cabinet used by hammarlund was:
>>DCR-18100 Dark Grey Texure, was/is 18 inches deep....
>>and yes, it will fit R-390/A's and any others that require 18 inches of
>>Best Regards Robert Fowle KC8DBC
>>1215 Winifred..Jackson, Mich. 49202-1946
>>ICQ #649056
>>Email address: hammarlund at acd.net
>>or hammarlund at qsl.net
>>WebPage: http://www.qsl.net/hammarlund
>>WebPage design and construction
>>hammarlund & miham list administrator
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