Morse Perforator Needs

Dick Dillman ddillman at IGC.APC.ORG
Sun Jan 4 13:29:57 EST 1998

Greetings, folks.  Can anyone help with advice or leads on these items I
need to make my Teletype (actually Kleinschmidt) Morse perforator
operational?  The objective is to be able to punch tapes and use them to key
Tracy's remote controlled Collins 30K-5 transmitter, just like a real
commercial coast station of years ago.  In order to achieve this admittedly
rather mad goal I'm looking for the following:

Power Supply - The correct unit is a Teletype model REC-32 but I would be
interested in any properly vintage supply providing 120VDC at 2A or more.

Paper Tape - The perforator uses paper tape 1/2" wide.  I'll need several
rolls of this for the high volume of traffic I'm sure I'll be handling.

Reader - Creed or Bohme (are there others?) reader that will accept the tape
produced by the perforator.



                                     Dick Dillman
                                <ddillman at>
                                    WPE2VT  W6AWO
                              Collector Of Heavy Metal:
                        Harleys, Willys and Radios Over 100lbs.

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