wtb: sony radios

van lincoln vlincoln at POSTOFFICE.WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Sun Jul 5 09:17:03 EDT 1998

Boatanchor to me USED to be tube sets VS solid state.  However, I NOW
consider some
tube&solid state hybrid rigs as 'boatanchors', and SOME solid state rigs
as well!  My feeling about boatanchors is:  it's all in the eye of the
van wd8aam

At 10:27 PM 7/4/98 -0400, Ed Tanton wrote:
>Does it belong here? Yes it probably does... Is it probably stretching the
>list criteria a bit? Also, YES it is... but as a 'WTB', I think we should
>be less stringent on our BA listing parameters.
>Personally, with the exception of new/almost new amps, I think that
>anything a 'normal' BA enthusiast (now THERE's a contradiction in terms!!!)
>might WANT ought to be enough of a qualifier.

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