Looking for info

Ron kc4yoy at TRELLIS.NET
Sun Jul 12 12:42:34 EDT 1998

Hi Gang,

I'm looking for manuals on a couple of rigs I picked
up at the Salisbury NC HamFest yesterday. If you
have spares of these, or will make copies I would
appreciate it.

1. Clegg 22'er  FM

2. Hammerlund fm60a, made by Outercom Electronics

There were several nice other BA's there, I saw a 75A4
that was priced at a little over $600,  a nice National 2-40D,
a HW-16, and several old keys.

This was a small fest that got a slow start, I got there around 7am
and it really didn't get going till about or so.
I still think small HamFests with outside fleamarkets are the best
for finding the "Good" junk.

Thanks in advance for your help.

73, Ron  KC4YOY
kc4yoy at trellis.net

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