What is it?

Bruce Sugarberg bsugarberg at FREEWWWEB.COM
Thu Jul 16 12:23:28 EDT 1998

Hi Fred,

Sounds like you have an R-100.  540kc to 30mc, single conversion, 1959-1961.
Estimated value:  $50.00.

Bruce Sugarberg, WA8TNC
bsugarberg at freewwweb.com

Frederick E Holnagel wrote:

> Howdy BA .  What is it?  Just acquired an Allied Radio Knight radio rcvr.
> It's 16"Wx 9.25" H. It has 9 min. tubes, a Q muliplier.  Two large black
> tuning knobs, main and b/s. 5 knobs along the bottom and a row of 4
> mid-panel.  Has 'S' meter. Panel is light grey color.  Any estimate as to
> it's value?  E-mail responce please.  Thanks  w7prv1 at juno.com
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